Cloud Fax je pušten u produkciju

Prva telekom implementacija Cloud Fax rješenja

Nakon nekoliko uspješnih projekata sa jednim od domaćih telekom operatera, proširili smo našu dugotrajnu suradnju sa jednim novim. Danas imamo novi cloud fax sustav u produkciji na Iskon.CloudFax.

Sustav se nalazi unutar core mreže telekoma i povezan je sa Cirpack Softswitchom sa SIP protokolom. Provisioning je potpuno integriran u telekom sustav pomoću APIa.

Osim korištenja modernog web sučelja, krajnji korisnici imaju na raspolaganju email to fax i fax to email funckionalnosti. Samopodešavanje raspona brojeva fax uređaja, konfiguracije, email adresa i pod korisnika... je vrlo lagano kroz čisto i jednostavno korisničko sučelje.

Za više informacija o produktu, molimo da nas kontaktirate.

Cloudfax web

Customers can control and use Cloudfax with email and web

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Contacts Management

Your contact list, single contacts and groups. Contacts are shared for all numbers and users in your organizations.

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Sending from web

Send a document to one or multiple recipients. Schedule sending for later delivery. Include cover and edit a cover message. 

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Sent faxes

Keep all your sent and received fax documents on cloud. Browse delivery reports.

Customer support

To help your customers Cloudfax has a customer support module

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Customer support Client Accounts

Use Customer Support view for your helpdesk. View all customer sub-account emails and settings.

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Customer support Account Information

View provisioned customer account settings and current status.

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Customer support Log Viewer

Explore Log files.